visiting some construction sites
These visits has been paid to the companies and their works by the Hydraulic Engineering Area (University Of Oviedo) and the students in collaboration of Prof. J. Fernández Francos, E. Álvarez Álvarez and R. Espina Valdés.
Barayo Bridge, A-8, Asturias, Spain (2013).
Barayo Bridge, A-8, Asturias, Spain (2013).
"E.D.A.R. de Baiña", Asturias, Spain (2014).
"E.D.A.R. de Baiña", Asturias, Spain (2014).
Reservoir of "La Barca" Hydroelectric Power Plant, Asturias, Spain (2015).
Reservoir of "La Barca" Hydroelectric Power Plant, Asturias, Spain (2015).
"Centro de Seguridad Marítima Integral Jovellanos", Gijón, Asturias, Spain (2015).
"Centro de Seguridad Marítima Integral Jovellanos", Gijón, Asturias, Spain (2015).
"ih Cantabria", E.T.S.I.C.C. y P. Santander, Spain (2015).
"ih Cantabria", E.T.S.I.C.C. y P. Santander, Spain (2015).
"Puerto Vega", Asturias, Spain (2015).
"Puerto Vega", Asturias, Spain (2015).
Arcelor Mittal, Avilés, Asturias, Spain (2013).
Arcelor Mittal, Avilés, Asturias, Spain (2013).
AVE (High Speed Train), Sector Mondragón, Basque Country, Spain (2012).
AVE (High Speed Train), Sector Mondragón, Basque Country, Spain (2012).