Full aeroelastic test of a single axis solar tracker
One of our most relevant and on-going project (click the link above for more info.) is the full aerolastic wind tunnel test of a single axis solar tracker and sizing of the torque tube, by Eduardo Blanco Marigorta, Jorge Parrondo Gayo and Antonio Navarro-Manso (#formulawindy, Hydraulic Engineering and Fluid Mechanics Areas, Energy Department, University of Oviedo).
One of our most relevant and on-going project (click the link above for more info.) is the full aerolastic wind tunnel test of a single axis solar tracker and sizing of the torque tube, by Eduardo Blanco Marigorta, Jorge Parrondo Gayo and Antonio Navarro-Manso (#formulawindy, Hydraulic Engineering and Fluid Mechanics Areas, Energy Department, University of Oviedo).
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Dimensioning of a solar tracker torque tube for torsional galloping
The main result of this study has been the critical galloping velocity for every tilt angle of a photovoltaic solar tracker. With these values, the stability diagram of the structure under wind load effects has been drawn. Also, it has been found the torsional stresses, the amplitude and frequency of the vibratory phenomena induced, as well as a calculation methodology for these structures. These considerations allow the correct design of the torque tube and substructure of the solar tracker.
by Eva Martínez García (Ms. Energy Engineering. Ph.D Candidate, University of Oviedo), Eduardo Blanco Marigorta (Full Prof. Dr. Mechanical Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo), Jorge Parrondo Gayo (Full Prof. Dr. Mechanical Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo) and Antonio Navarro-Manso (Associate Prof. Dr. Civil Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo).
The main result of this study has been the critical galloping velocity for every tilt angle of a photovoltaic solar tracker. With these values, the stability diagram of the structure under wind load effects has been drawn. Also, it has been found the torsional stresses, the amplitude and frequency of the vibratory phenomena induced, as well as a calculation methodology for these structures. These considerations allow the correct design of the torque tube and substructure of the solar tracker.
by Eva Martínez García (Ms. Energy Engineering. Ph.D Candidate, University of Oviedo), Eduardo Blanco Marigorta (Full Prof. Dr. Mechanical Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo), Jorge Parrondo Gayo (Full Prof. Dr. Mechanical Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo) and Antonio Navarro-Manso (Associate Prof. Dr. Civil Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo).
Dimensioning of a solar tracker torque tube for torsional galloping
Nowadays solar facilities tend to use mainly one axis solar trackers because they reduce the overall installation overheads with a very small drop in production. To decrease furthermore the costs, these structures tend toward slender and leaner designs. The problem arises when they are subjected to unexpected aerodynamic loads.
Several trackers installed in solar plants all over the world had collapsed due to wind phenomena, such as torsional divergence, vibrations induced by vortex shedding and galloping or flutter. Specifically, torsional galloping has possibly been the most destructive one.
Torsional galloping is an aeroelastic instability befalling one degree of freedom (torsion) structures under moderate wind speeds. The consequence is a strong angular oscillation above a critical velocity, with a frequency related to the natural frequency of the structure.
In the present work, an analytical and experimental approach has been developed about the aeroelastic phenomena found on single axis solar trackers. On the one hand, the analytical study has identified the dimensionless parameters governing the differential equation of movement. On the other hand, systematic experiments on wind tunnel have been carried out with a 3D full aeroelastic scale model of a solar tracker. It has been found that the tests reproduce correctly the aeroelastic phenomena found on a real situation.
The structural typology consists on a relatively long and straight row of panels placed on a tube and driven by a motor on the central section. This torque tube bears the torsional stresses of the structure. The solar tracker analyzed is 40 m. long with a central pillar; the width of the panel is 3 m. and both cantilevers from the driver are supported by 3 pillars.
The main result has been the critical galloping velocity for every tilt angle. With these values, the stability diagram of the structure under wind load effects has been drawn. Also, it has been found the torsional stresses, the amplitude and frequency of the vibratory phenomena induced, as well as a calculation methodology for these structures. These considerations allow the correct design of the torque tube and substructure of the solar tracker.
by Eva Martínez García (Ms. Energy Engineering. Project Manager. Táctica Industrial, S.L.), Eduardo Blanco Marigorta (Full Prof. Dr. Mechanical Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo), Jorge Parrondo Gayo (Full Prof. Dr. Mechanical Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo) and Antonio Navarro-Manso (Associate Prof. Dr. Civil Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo).
Nowadays solar facilities tend to use mainly one axis solar trackers because they reduce the overall installation overheads with a very small drop in production. To decrease furthermore the costs, these structures tend toward slender and leaner designs. The problem arises when they are subjected to unexpected aerodynamic loads.
Several trackers installed in solar plants all over the world had collapsed due to wind phenomena, such as torsional divergence, vibrations induced by vortex shedding and galloping or flutter. Specifically, torsional galloping has possibly been the most destructive one.
Torsional galloping is an aeroelastic instability befalling one degree of freedom (torsion) structures under moderate wind speeds. The consequence is a strong angular oscillation above a critical velocity, with a frequency related to the natural frequency of the structure.
In the present work, an analytical and experimental approach has been developed about the aeroelastic phenomena found on single axis solar trackers. On the one hand, the analytical study has identified the dimensionless parameters governing the differential equation of movement. On the other hand, systematic experiments on wind tunnel have been carried out with a 3D full aeroelastic scale model of a solar tracker. It has been found that the tests reproduce correctly the aeroelastic phenomena found on a real situation.
The structural typology consists on a relatively long and straight row of panels placed on a tube and driven by a motor on the central section. This torque tube bears the torsional stresses of the structure. The solar tracker analyzed is 40 m. long with a central pillar; the width of the panel is 3 m. and both cantilevers from the driver are supported by 3 pillars.
The main result has been the critical galloping velocity for every tilt angle. With these values, the stability diagram of the structure under wind load effects has been drawn. Also, it has been found the torsional stresses, the amplitude and frequency of the vibratory phenomena induced, as well as a calculation methodology for these structures. These considerations allow the correct design of the torque tube and substructure of the solar tracker.
by Eva Martínez García (Ms. Energy Engineering. Project Manager. Táctica Industrial, S.L.), Eduardo Blanco Marigorta (Full Prof. Dr. Mechanical Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo), Jorge Parrondo Gayo (Full Prof. Dr. Mechanical Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo) and Antonio Navarro-Manso (Associate Prof. Dr. Civil Engineer. Energy Department. University of Oviedo).
Sponsored by:
Tableros y Puentes, S.A.
AST Ingeniería.
ACHE, Asociación Científico-Técnica del Hormigón Estructural.
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Demarcación de Asturias.
RJB Design Studio.
Escuela Politécnica de Mieres, Universidad de Oviedo.
Tableros y Puentes, S.A.
AST Ingeniería.
ACHE, Asociación Científico-Técnica del Hormigón Estructural.
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Demarcación de Asturias.
RJB Design Studio.
Escuela Politécnica de Mieres, Universidad de Oviedo.