related projects: Research, Academic and Companies
Fluid-structure interaction in photovoltaic solar trackers (SOLTRACK=WT UPM-idr+CFD Uniovi-GIFDE), National Plan.
Transition to solar energy from wind engineering (ESOLIA=SOLTAE UPM-idr+DESPWIND Uniovi-GIFD), National Plan.
Study of the structure for a photovoltaic power plant, Spain. (Appplus-Norcontrol, Iberdrola).
Aerodynamics of solar panels (ground fixed, ballasted, carports, etc.) (Praxia Energy, S.L.).
"Caja Rural & MMR" Cycling test.
White Paper: "Diagrama de estabilidad del tracker: como diseñar frente a los efectos aeroelásticos".
Alconétar Arches wind tunnel test.
Ultimate & Resilient solar tracker generation (TSK).
Aeroelastic analysis of single axis Photovoltaic Solar Trackers.
Wind tunnel test of the fifth Tower (Madrid).
Influence of ground proximity to a tilt flat plate. I: static coeffs.
Aerodynamic study of box & struts deck bridge.
Influence of scaffolding supports on the aerodynamics of a bridge formwork.
Aerodynamic study of the four towers of Madrid.
Aerodynamic study of a timber footbridge.
Wind tunnel test on a Movable Scaffolding (Cadavedo and Ribón Viaducts, A-8, Asturias, Spain).
Aerodynamic coefficients of timber bridges (Media Madera S.L.).
Click the accordion to see the projects, then scroll down. Use the arrow button to go back to the top. Type "ctrl+f" or "cmd+f for" searching!

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#formulawindy gathers all our work related to (but not only) Wind Tunnel tests (Aeroelasticity & Aerodynamics, Hydraulic Machinery, Wind Engineering, Pollutant Dispersion, Aeroacoustics, even Water Tunnel tests included) and it is formed exclusively by Professors and Researchers with the Department of Energy and GIFD (Spanish Official Research Group) of the University of Oviedo. Visit us:, or A. Navarro-Manso.